Grooming Services

Our awesome groomers work Tuesday-Saturday each week to keep our clients looking good!

Whether your pet requires a complete makeover, a de-shedding or just a scrub,

we promise to go above and beyond to make sure your pets experience is a positive one.

Walk in Services:

Walk in Services are available from 9AM to 3PM Daily

Skunk Bath - Small $10/Medium$15/Large$20 in addition to the regular groom price.

Cat Nail Trim - $12 Dog Nail Trim - $12 w/Dremel - $15

Ear Cleaning - $10 w/plucking - $15 Gland Expression - $20

Feet Trim - $15 Sanitary Trim Dog/Cat - $15

Combo - Nails/Feet Trim - $20 Teeth Brushing - $12

Dog Baths


Bath packages include: Shampoo & Conditioner,

brushing, nail trim, ear cleaning/plucking, cologne

and bow or bandanna

  • Under 25lbs : $37+

    ex: Chihuahua, Min Pin, Mini Dachshunds

  • 25lbs - 45lbs: $47+

    ex: Toy Poodle, Shih Tzu, Yorkie, Pug

  • 45lbs - 70lbs: $57+

    ex: Small Lab, Hounds, Cattle Dogs

  • 70lbs - 90lbs: $67+

    ex: Lab, Pitbull, Doberman

  • 90lbs and over: $79+

    ex: Rottweiler, Shepherd, Great Dane

Don’t see your breed? Feel free to call us with any questions,

an accurate estimate cant be given with out seeing your dog in person.


Dog Haircuts

Trim & Haircut packages include: Shampoo & Conditioner, brushing, nail trim, ear cleaning/plucking, haircut of your choice, cologne and bow or bandanna


The Dogs we groom vary so much in size, coat type, temperament, and condition of the coat that an accurate quote cannot be given on our website. Please call us to discuss your dogs needs. We can give you a price range but it is best for our groomers to meet your dog in person.

Gracie ready for the 4th of July celebration!